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recROC Youth Programs

Monthly program sessions give youth ages 6 and up options to learn new skills or hone their competitive edge with progression to more advanced skills. Instructors are tuned in to kid-style action and learning.

  • Ninja Kids
  • Scramblers – Bouldering
  • Camps & Clinics

Kids can even be part of Boulder BashCheck out this annual competition.

Parents – friendly reminder…WAIVERS are required for all youth participants in programs.  Please be sure to complete one for your child.  

Ninja Kids!  (Ages 6-13)

You can register your child for Ninja kids on Monday, Thursday, and Saturday! 

Monday & Thursday 6:00-7:00 pm OR Saturday 11 am – Noon each month

Kids will try the thrilling adventures of obstacle course features and learn how to execute movements properly and safely.  Children will be trained to encourage and help each other while having fun!

Pay as you go – Member: $13    Nonmember $19 per class


Scramblers (Ages 6-13)  

Bouldering begins here! Kids learn safe climbing skills with experienced instructors and explore our BIG boulder!

Tues. & Wed. 5:30 pm – 6:15 pm
Fee: $39 Member monthly   $65 Nonmember monthly
Older kids – ready for the next level bouldering fitness challenge and problem solving?  Try Bouldering Basics

Summer & Winter Camps

When school is out, and the kids are bored – bring them to recROC!  Camp days are hosted at recROC in the summer months, and during school closings and holidays in the winter. Kids climb and navigate obstacles, boulder, attempt fitness challenges and compete in games.   Ages 7-13



Join us this summer for one of our five weeks of camp! Early Registration opens up on March 15th. Sign up early, save your child’s spot on the roster, and save some money!

Hey Kids!  You can compete in our annual BOULDER BASH !  Jump into Scramblers, then move on to Bouldering Basics, and explore on your own.  Practice inside this winter and spring and get ready to show us how you can conquer the routes on the recROC boulder.  Learn more HERE.